(이)라고 하다
At the point when quoting이다 in the previous strain, it is done just by adding ~고 to the past conjugation of 이다 in the plain shape. For instance:
- 그 분이 선생님이었다 = He was an instructor
- 그 분이 선생님이었다고 했어요 = He said he was an instructor
- 거리에 있었던 사람들이 시위자들이었다 = The general population in the city were dissidents
- 경찰관은 거리에 있었던 사람들이 시위자들이었다고 했어요 = The cop said that the general population in the city were dissidents
While citing 이다 in the current state, 라 replaces 다 when composing "이다." For instance:
- 그 사람이 의사이다고 했어 (this is erroneous)
- 그 사람이 의사이라고 했어 = He said he is a specialist
At the point when the thing before 이다 (the thing 이다is appended to) closures in a vowel (as in the sample above), "이" can be excluded. For instance, both of these are right:
그가 의사이라고 했어 = He said he is a specialist
그가 의사라고 했어 = He said he is a specialist
At the point when the thing before 이다 (the thing 이다 is appended to) finishes in a consonant, 이다 can't be overlooked. For instance:
우리 선생님은 제가 나쁜 학생이다고 했어요 (this is inaccurate)
우리 선생님은 제가 나쁜 학생라고 했어요 (this is additionally inaccurate)
우리 선생님은 제가 나쁜 학생이라고 했어요 = Our instructor said I am a terrible understudy
A prompt down-to-earth application for this is the point at which you need to cite a verb or descriptive word to the future strain. In Lesson 9, you figured out how to utilize ~ㄹ 것이다 to make a future strained significance. For instance:
나는 내일 친구를 만날 거야 = I will meet my companion tomorrow
저는 내일 학교에 갈 것입니다 = I will go to class tomorrow
저는 영어를 공부할 거예요 = I will contemplate English
At the point when utilizing this structure "것" (which is regularly abbreviated to "거") is basically a thing and the conjugating word is 이다. Along these lines, you can cite a future strained provision by utilizing this future strained conjugation and applying the citing principles of 이다. For instance, take a gander at the accompanying sentence:
나는 밥을 먹을 것이다
That condition/sentence can be cited by adding the fitting closure of 이다. For instance, any of these eventual rights:
나는 밥을 먹을 것이라고 했어 = I said that I will eat
나는 밥을 먹을 거이라고 했어 = I said that I will eat
나는 밥을 먹을 거라고 했다 = I said that I will eat
Here are numerous more illustrations:
저는 밖에 갈 수 없을 거라고 했어요 = I said I can't go outside/won't have the capacity to go outside
저는 우리 가족에게 이 사람이 저의 여자 친구라고 했어요
= I told my family that this individual is my better half
나는 너에게 그것이 해야 하는 일이라고 벌써 말했어
= I as of now let you know that that is something you need to do
제가 제일 하고 싶은 것은 밥을 먹는 거라고 했어요
= I said that the thing I need to do most is eat (rice)
제가 제일 좋아하는 여자를 가리킬 거라고 했어요
= I said that I will indicate the young lady that I like the most