- 겸
→ It is used between two nouns or with a modifier of a verb indicating 'having two meanings, purposes, or functions. When it is combined with a verb and used as a form of '-(으)ㄹ 겸해서', '-(으)ㄹ 겸-(으)ㄹ 겸해서, it indicates that the purpose of a main verb has more than two purposes. '해서' from '겸해서' can be omitted.
1. 11시쯤 아침 겸 점심을 먹었다.
I ate both breakfast and lunch around 11 o'clock.
I ate both breakfast and lunch around 11 o'clock.
2. 머리도 식힐 겸 바람도 쐴 겸해서 교외로 나가 보려고 합니다.
I am going to go to the countryside to both rest my mind and enjoy the breeze.
3. 겸사겸사해서 미국에 다녀올까 합니다.
I am planning to go to America to take care of several things.
4. 이 방은 거실 겸 서재예요.
This room is both a living room and a study.
5. 공부도 할 겸 자료도 찾을 겸해서 도서관에 다녀왔습니다.
I went to the library both to study and also search for data.