- 탓
→ It is used after a noun or a modifier of a verb or an adjective-(으)ㄴ/는,' it means 'the reason' of a certain event. While '- 덕분에'(refer to Intermediate 1, Lesson 21) is usually a reason for working positively, is usually used to show the reason for working negatively.
1.날씨 탓인지 요즘은 통 입맛이 없어요.
I have lost my appetite these days maybe because of the weather condition.
I have lost my appetite these days maybe because of the weather condition.
2. 제가 부족한 탓에 일이 이렇게 된 것 같아요.
Things might have been done that way because I couldn't do it well myself.
3. '잘되면 내 탓, 잘못되면 조상 탓'이라고 생각하는 사람이 있다.
There are some people who think a bad workman always blames his tools.'
4. 김기약 탓에 자꾸 졸려요.
I keep getting sleepy because of the cold medicine.
5. 제가 바빠서 신경을 쓰지 못한 탓에 아이가 폐렴에 걸렸어요.
Because I was busy and didn't pay attention, the child got pneumonia.