- 곤하다
It indicates a certain action taking place repeatedly by adding to a stem of a verb. When talking about facts in the past, it is changed to the form '곤 했다.'
1. 사고가 났던 그 순간이 요즘도 생각이 나곤 해요.
Sometimes I still think about the moment I had my accident.
Sometimes I still think about the moment I had my accident.
2. 시간이 날 때마다 조금씩 연습하곤 했어요.
Whenever I had spare time, I used to practice a little.
3. 전에는 장난 전화가 오곤 했는데 요즘은 안 와요.
I used to get some crank calls, but not anymore.
4. 신경을 쓰면 혈압이 올라가곤 해요.
If you pay attention, your blood pressure will go up.
5. 대학생 때는 포장마차에 자주 가곤 했어요.
When I was a college student, I used to go to food stalls often.
6. 매운 음식을 먹으면 가끔 위가 아프곤 했어요.
Eating spicy food sometimes made me sick to my stomach.