- 다는 말이다
It is an abbreviation of '다고 하는 말이에요' in which '말이다' (Refer to Intermediate I, Lesson is added to the end of the indirect speech form and 8 is omitted from it. The narrative form '다는 말이에요' is used to reconfirm what the speaker has just said. The question form of -다는 에요? is used when asking for reconfirmation of what the other speaker has just said or some hard to believe. It is available for all kinds of indirect speech forms and is also used as a short form of -단 말이다.
1. 제 말의 뜻은 누구의 잘못도 아니라는 말이에요. What I mean is it's nobody's fault.
2. 지금 그 말은 여기에서 나가라는 말인가요? Do you want me to leave here?
3. 같은 이야기 자꾸 하지 말고, 결국 어떻게 하자는 말이에요?
Don't say the same thing over and over again, what do you want?
가: 이단어의 의미가 뭐예요?
What is the meaning of this word?
나: 아까 배웠는데 벌써 잊어버렸단 말이에요?
You said you learned it earlier but forgot it already?
가: 이 병은 거이상 치료 방법이 없어요.
There is no cure for this disease.
나: 병이 나을 가능성이 없다는 말이에요?
You mean there's no chance you'll get better?