- (으)ㄹ걸요: 이 표현은 아직 일어나지 않은 일이나 잘 모르는 일에 대해 말하는 사람이 불확실한 추측을 이야기할 때 쓴다.그말에서는 사용하지 않고 입말에서만 사용하며 핀근한 사이에 사용합니다.
future event or something he or she is not sure about. It is used only among close friends and appears in
conversational form only, not in written form. be translated as 'Probably it is' It is combined with a stem of a verb or an adjective indicating 'supposition.' It means the speaker's supposition doesn't coincide with what the other party said.
+ Past tense/과거: A/V - 았/었을 걸요, N - 였을걸요/이 었을걸요
- Verb/동사:
먹다 --------------> 먹었을걸요
가다 --------------> 갔을걸요
- Adjective/형용사
높다 --------------> 높았을걸요
많다 --------------> 많았을걸요
- Noun/명사
학생 --------------> 학생이었걸요
의사 --------------> 의사였걸요
+ 현재/ Present tense: A/V - (으)ㄹ 걸요, N - 일걸요
- Verb/동사:
먹다 --------------> 먹을걸요
가다 --------------> 갈걸요
- Adjective/형용사
높다 --------------> 높을걸요
많다 --------------> 많을걸요
- Noun/명사
학생 --------------> 학생일걸요
의사 --------------> 의사일걸요
나: 이건 아마 진짜가 아닐걸요. This is probably not real.
가: 야채 볶음밥을 하려고 하는데 아이들이 좋아할까요?
I am going to make vegetable fried rice. Would the children like it?
Maybe they don't eat food with vegetables very well.
가: 작년에 한국 경제가 나빠지지 않았나요?
Did the Korean economy get worse last year?
나: 그래도 GNP는 5%쯤 성장했을걸요.
No, its GNP would probably increase by 5%.
ㄴ: 아마 커피숍에 있을 걸요. 아까 커피숍에 간다고 했거든요.
A: Did you happen to see Junhyung?
B: He's probably at the coffee shop. I heard him say that he was going there earlier.
가: 집앞에 있는 마트가 몇 시에 여는지 압니까?
나: 아마 10시쯤 열걸요. 다른 마트들이 대부분 10시에 열거든요.
A: Do you know what time the Mart in front of your house opens?
Me: It will probably open around 10 o'clock. Most other Mart open at 10 o'clock.
가: 옷이 아주 좋아 보여요. Your clothes look really nice.
나: 시장에서 샀는걸요. I bought them at the market.
가: 엄마가 키가 크니까 아이들도 크겠네요.
Since their mom is tall, the children must be tall as well.
나: 딸애는 별로 크지 않은걸요.
✴✴This expression can also be used to softly disagree with the listener, that is, to express the speaker's belief that the listener's statement or expectation is wrong or different from his or her own.
ㄱ: 아침 9시에 출발할까요?
ㄴ: 그 시간에는 길이 많이 막힐걸요.
A: Shall we leave at 9 in the morning?
B: The traffic will probably be bad at that time.
✴✴ In terms of the strength of conviction, 을걸요. expresses a weaker belief than -(으)ㄹ 거예요.
가: 준형 씨가 점심을 먹었을까요?
나: 먹었을걸요. 지금 3시잖아요.
A: Did Junhyung have lunch?
B: Maybe he has. It's already 3 o'clock. right now
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