- 지요
→ It is added to a stem of a verb or an adjective meaning a speaker promises or confirms a certain fact or makes himself his own actions.
1.외국어를 배운다는 건 누구한테나 어려운 일이죠.
Learning a foreign language is difficult for everyone.
2. 서로 도우면서 살아야지요.
We should lead our lives helping each other.
3. 이 짐은 제가 들고 가지요.
Let me carry this load.
4. 나중에 디시 전화하지요. I'll call you back later.
5. 그렇게 하는 게 더좋 겠지요. It would be better to do that.
6. 여유가 없으니까 아껴 써야 하지요. I can't afford it, so I have to save it.