- 조차
→ It's a postposition. And it is used when the most basic thing is denied or the most extreme thing is being set as an example to emphasize the negative meaning. Usually, the negative words come after it, and '-(으)ㄴ/는커녕' is often used together.
1. 이 아이는 10살인데 자기 이름조차 못 써요.
This child is ten years old but he can't even write his name.
This child is ten years old but he can't even write his name.
2. 어제는 너무 바빠서 밥 먹을 시간조차 없었어요.
I was too busy to eat yesterday.
3. 친구는커녕 가족들에게조차 말하지 못했어요.
I couldn't say anything to my family, let alone my friends.
4. 고등학교 때 독일어를 배웠는데 알파벳조차 생각나지 않어요.
I studied German in high school, but I can't even remember the alphabet.
5. 이번에는 부모님 생신에 전화조차 하지 못했어요.
This time I couldn't even call her parents' birthday.