- 보고
It is a postposition usually used after the word indicating a person. He/she becomes an object of the following verb and means '-에게'. The latter verb can be only the one meaning the action mentioned.
1. 식당에서 일하는 종업원보고 뭐라고 불러야 할지 모르겠어요.
I don't know what to call a waiter or waitress working at a restaurant.
2. 그 사람보고 좀 도와 달라고 하세요.
Ask him to help you.
3. 저보고 이렇게 야한 옷을 입으라고요?
Do you want me to wear such loud clothes?
4.길을잃었을 때 누구보고 물어봐야 할지 몰랐어요.
When I got lost, I didn't know who to ask.
5.친구가 저보고 선생님한테 이걸 전해 드리라고 했어요.
My friend saw me and told me to give this to the teacher.
6. 결혼하면 아내보고 뭐라고 부르면 좋아요?
When you get married, what should you call your wife?