- 아/어다가
It is added to a stem of an action verb indicating the speaker does a previous action, and then 'does a related action in a row' at the other place with the result of the previous action. Therefore the places where the previous and latter actions happened are different and the subjects of both actions 'are the same. '가' is omitted and is only able to be used as a form of '-아/어다'
1. 냉장고에 있는 과일을 꺼내다가 깎아 드세요.
Please take out some fruit from the refrigerator. Peel them and eat them.
2. 산에서 꽃을 꺾어다가 방에 꽂았습니다.
I picked some flowers from the mountain and put them in a vase in the room.
3. 누가 아침마다 아이를 어린이집에 데려다 줘요?
Who takes your kid to his daycare center every morning?
4. 수박을 사다가 먹읍시다.
Let's buy some watermelons and eat them.
5. 도서관에서 책을 빌려다가 읽었어요.
I read the book while borrowing it from the library.
6. 자동판매기에서 커피를 뽑아다가 드릴까요?
Would you like some coffee from the vending machine?