- 다니
→ It is an abbreviated form of '- 다고하니까'combining an indirect speech -다고 하다 with '-(으)닉가. It is usually used when a speaker repeats what one hears about a surprising or unusual fact. One's feeling or judgment about the fact comes in the latter part, and it is used by omitting '까'. Depending on the form of a quotation, various forms of indirect speech -(이)라니,(느)나니,-자니', can be used.
1. 수잔 씨가 4개 국어를 한다니 부럽군요. I am envious of Susan speaking four languages.
2. 그 멋진 남자가 만나자니 꿈만 같아요. Meeting such a wonderful man is like a dream.
3. 내일까지 이 일을 끝마치라니 너무합니다.
It is unfair to be told that I should get this done by tomorrow.
4. 이게 500만 원짜리라니 정말이에요?Are you sure this is worth 5 million won?
5. 그렇게 여러 가지 일을 해야 한다니 힘들겠네요.
It must be difficult to have to do so many things.
6. 그 사람이 나를 믿지 못한다니 유감스럽네요.
I'm sorry that he doesn't believe me.