- 지 그래요?
→ It is added to a stem of a verb indicating advice or a suggestion of the speaker's opinion to the other party when the other party does a different action or disagree with the speaker, or when the other party asks the speaker's opinion. For past tense, it is changed to '-지 그랬어요?"
1. 혼자서 걱정만 하지 말고 부장님과 상의하지 그래요?
Don't worry about it yourself; why don't you ask your department head for help?
2. 돈이 모자랐으면 저한테 빌려 달라고 하지 그랬어요?
If you are short of money, why don't you ask me to lend you some money?
3. 아이가 사춘기라서 예민할 텐데 야단치지 말지 그랬어요?
Your child must be very sensitive if he is in his puberty, so why do you scold him?
4. 이 길은 막히는 모양인데 다른 길로 돌아가지 그래요?
This road seems to be blocked, why don't you go back another way?
This road seems to be blocked, why don't you go back another way?
5. 혼자서 술을 마셨다고요? 나한테 전화하지 그래요?
That she drank alone? why don't you call me?