- 고 말다
→ It is added to a stem of a verb, which means 'something happened' and usually emphasizes 'to end up in an unwanted result.' Therefore it means that the speaker feels sorry for it.
1. 어머니가 주신 물건인데 잃어버리고 말았어요.
That was from my mother, but I lost it.
2. 해 주겠다고 약속했었는데 결국 해 주지 못하고 말았군요.
I promised you to get it done, but I ended up failing to do it.
3. 회사가 부도가 나고 말았는데 우리들은 어떻게 해야 합니까?
part Our company went into bankruptcy, so what are we supposed to do?
4. 그 사람은 도망 다니다가 경찰에 잡히고 말았어요.
The man escaped but was eventually caught by police.
5. 최선을 다해서 수술했지만 환자가 죽고 말았어요.
Efforts were made to operate, but the patient died.
6. 열심히 응원했지만 시합에서 지고 말았어요.
I cheered a lot, but I lost the match.