- 커녕
→It is a postposition indicating 'the subject's action or his/her condition is very severe.' Usually, it is used with a negative word capturing a negative nuance of 'not to mention, which is less or worse than it.' If combined with a noun, its form is '-은/는커녕,' and if combined with a verb, it is changed to a form of '-기는커녕.' The form with auxiliary words '-도, -조차' is commonly used.
1. 시내 구경은커녕 호텔 안에서만 지냈어요.
Far from sightseeing downtown, I just stayed at a hotel.
2. 예금을 하냐고요? 예금은커녕 생활비조차 모자라는데요.
Do I save some money? Far from saving, I can't afford the cost of living.
3. 시간이 지날수록 문제가 해결되기는커녕 점점 심각해지고 있어요.
As time goes on, the problem is getting worse, far from being solved.
4. 결혼기념일에 남편이 선물은커녕 날짜도 기억 못했어요.
Wedding anniversary, not to mention a gift from my husband, even remember that day
5. 내 발을 밟고서 사과하기는커녕 오히려 화를 냈어요.
He stepped on my foot and did not apologize, even though he was angry.