- 아무-(이)나
→ It means 'whatever, it doesn't matter.? by combining a modifier form of an unspecified one '아무 (refer to Intermediate 2, Lesson 6) with a postposition of choice'(이)나.' It can be used by putting an additional postposition form before'(이)나' in a row. When a noun is a person, it can be used in the form of '아무나', or '아무한테나' instead of that noun.
1. 저는 시간이 많으니까 아무 때나 놀러 오셔도 돼요.
I have plenty of time, so you are welcome to come over anytime.
2. 그 사람은 아무 데서나 노래를 불러요. He sings a song wherever he wants.
3. 자기보다 어려도 아무한테나 반말을 쓰면 안 돼요.
Even though he is younger than you, you shouldn't talk down to him.
4. 아직 병이 낫지 않았으니까 아무 음식이나 먹으면 안 됩니다.
Since the disease has not yet healed, you must not eat any food.
5. 저는 괜찮으니까 아무 때나 편한 시간에 오세요.
I'm fine, so come whenever it's convenient for you.
6. 어른들 앞에서 아무 말이나 하면 안 됩니다.
Do not say anything in front of adults.