V- (으)려고 들다 Expressing Intention
어떤 동작이나 행위를 적그적으로 하고자 한다는 의미.
앞의 말이 나타내는 행동을 적극적으로 하려고 함을 나타내는 표현하다.
This grammar expression is used to indicate that one is very eager to do a certain act mentioned in the preceding statement. and similar use with 'V- (으)려고 하다', but 'V- (으)려고 들다' is used more active action than 'V- (으)려고 하다',
A: 여자 친구랑 안 맞아서 좀 힘들어. It's a little difficult because my girlfriend not the same me.
B: 한번에 모든 걸 맞추려(고) 들지 마. 20년 이상 다른 삶을 살아온 사람들이잖아.
Don't try to fit everything at once. because have lived different lives for over 20 years.
1. 우리 애는 책은 읽지 않고 게임만 하려(고) 들어서 정말 큰일이에요.
My son doesn't read books, he just wants to play games, so it's really a big problem.
My son doesn't read books, he just wants to play games, so it's really a big problem.
2. 힘든 일이 있으면 혼자서 해결하려고 들지 말고 주변의 도움을 좀 받아 보세요.
If you are having a hard time, don't try to solve it on your own, get some help from others.
If you are having a hard time, don't try to solve it on your own, get some help from others.
3. 처음엔 잘 못해도 배우려고 들면 금방 운전을 잘할 수 있을 거예요.
Even if you are not good at it at first, if you try to learn it, you will soon be able to drive well.
4. 아이가 밥은 안 먹고 아이스크림하고 과자만 먹으려고 들어서걱정이에요.
I'm worried because the child doesn't eat rice and only wants to eat ice cream and snack foods.
5.과정도 중요하니까 결과만으로 판단하려 고 들지 마십시요.
The process is also important, so don't judge based solely on the end result.
- 어휘( Vocabulary)
- 운전 (n): Driving
- 결과 (n): Result
- 중요하다 (ad): Importance
- 과정 (n): Process, Part
- 과자 (n): snack foods
- 아리스크림 (n): Icecream
- 해결하다 (ad): Solution