- 같으면
→ It comes after a noun and it is used when supposing the noun. While '-(이)라면'(refer to Intermediate 1, Lesson 9) is used for an uncertain supposition or an imagination,같으면' is usually used when changing one's stance or one's condition in regard to a real situation.
1. 주말 같으면 거기까지 한 시간쯤 걸릴 거예요.
If it were on the weekend, it would take an hour to get there.
2. 그런 일은 우리나라 같으면 상상도 할 수 없는 이야기예요.
If it were in our country, it would not have been an imaginative story.
3.제 자식 같으면 야단을 쳤을 텐데 남의 자식을 어쩌겠어요?
If he were my child, I would have scolded him. But what can I do?
4. 단독 주택 같으면 개를 키워도 되지만 아파트에선 안 됩니다.
If in single-family homes Dogs are allowed to rais, but not in apartments.
5. 너 같으면 이럴 때 어떻게 하겠니?
If you what would you do in a situation like this?
6. 친한 친구 같으면 부탁하겠지만 그분과는 이름만 아는 사이예요.
If he were a close friend, I'd beg you but I only know his name.