- (으)ㄹ까 - (으)ㄹ까
→ If'-(으)ㄹ까' indicating 'the speaker's will or schedule is used repeatedly, and the speaker indicates that he/she hasn't decided his/her intention.' If '-(으)ㄹ까 말까' is used, it means that his/her intention for a certain action is not decided and is still up in the air.
1. 졸업 후에 취직을 할까 유학을 갈까 생각 중이에요.
I am considering whether I will get a job or study abroad after graduation.
I am considering whether I will get a job or study abroad after graduation.
2. 부모님께 사실대로 여줄까 말까 고민 중입니다.
I am considering whether I should tell my parents the truth or not.
3. 고장 난 전축을 버릴까 말까 하다가 그대로 두기로 했어요.
After I was considering whether I would throw away my broken stereo or not, I decided to
keep it.
4. 휴가 때 여행을 갈까 그냥 집에서 쉴까 생각 중입니다.
I'm thinking about going on a trip on vacation or just resting at home.