- 게
It is added after a stem of a verb indicating a preceding clause is the purpose of a latter clause.
1. 개가 집 밖으로 나오지 못하게 묶어 놓았습니다.
The dog is kept on a chain so that it is not allowed to go outside the home.
The dog is kept on a chain so that it is not allowed to go outside the home.
2. 물을 끓이게 주전자 좀 꺼내 주세요.
Please take out a kettle so that I can boil the water.
3.사람들이 앉아서 쉬게 여기에 의자를 놓는 게 어때요?
Why don't you put a chair here so that people can sit down?
4.짐이 깨지지 않게 잘 싸서 옮기세요.
Pack well and move it without breaking it.
5.뒤에서도 잘 보이게 글씨를 크게 써세요.
Please write letters for easy backing as well.
6. 다른 사람이 들어오지 못하게 문을 꼭 잠그세요.
Make sure the door is locked to prevent others from entering.